WXR Pain in the Ass

So, you’re blogging but you don’t have your own domain. How old is your blog? How many posts and comments do you have now? The efing hits of your blog is already at its peak. These are the things you value much when you are a blogger, posts and comments and of course blog stats.

Now, you decided to have your own dotcom. You won for example on some blogger’s give away domain, you have your new home / domain / dotcom or whatever… You want to have your old posts and everything that is old from the free blog platform and migrate it on your new home slash domain.

Let say, youre blogging for the past 2 or 3 years, ouch!

You don’t have any idea what trouble your into it, 2 years of post represent maybe 5mb or 10mb or much more higher of XML file or let say wordpress uses WXR (WordPress extended RSS) that contains all your post, comments and links info that you can import in your new wordpress installation to carry out your old stuff. And the problem arise, you cant import the WXR because its a large file and your hosting only allow for a maximum upload of 5mb and there you are, its judgment day, no other way that your old post can be migrated to your new blog, and those old stuff that you valued so much will be soon useless and soon enough you blog starting with one post, no links of old friends, no comment and no nothing.

Recently, I encountered the same problem, one blogger ask my help to setup her new home.  The WXR file is only 2.1mb, but the hosting does not allow to be uploaded, I tried so many times, PHAIL! I tried some other solution FAIL!

Finally, with desperation its time to ask Mr. Google, the solution is to find a WXR splitter so that the hosting will allow a file upload that turns to be a 24 part of 134kb each of 2.1mb.

And the easiest solution IF and only IF I have an access to the database file of the old blog platform unfortunately madam president, your blogging to a free blog platform not your own domain slash dotcom and there is no way to get into the database unless it was installed on a hosting.

This is a warning to all blogger out there that doesn’t have yet their dotcom. As early as possible you migrate to your own domain, not all the time I am here to help you nyahahahaha!

Mars Cureg: Web designer by profession, photography hobbyist, T-shirt lover, design blog founder, gamer. Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't have a keyboard. Willing to walk to get to the promised land. Photo and video freelancer, SEO.
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