Web Design and Colours: How You Can Boost Your Local Business Marketing

Digital marketing is a powerful form of business marketing. Many businesses are thriving in the online world, perhaps more successful than most traditional businesses because of website development and social media. Because of this, marketers are more serious about improving their websites than ever.

You may not be aware, but color has a significant impact on your website and to the users who view it. Color can affect our mood, emotions, and attitude. When our eyes look at a color, they send signals to our brain, which will communicate with other parts until the message reaches the thyroid gland for hormonal release affecting our emotions and mood.

Color Psychology

Color psychology is an actual field of behavioral psychology that studies how color affects human mood and behavior. Although it’s a pretty complex field, there are key facts of the color theory that can’t be disputed.

There are also a lot of misconceptions about color psychology. For example, many claim that a particular color is the best to use in a certain industry or campaign; however, color perception is subjective and varies among individuals. Testing which color works is important, and then implementing it once you tested it to be effective.

Understanding color psychology is essential for leaders, architects, packaging designers, store owners, and marketers, among many others. The bottom line is this: color is critical, and you should not take it lightly if you want success for your business.

Where To Use Color

Color is ubiquitous, but that doesn’t mean that you should put it anywhere on your website. Knowing where to place colors is equally important as understanding the theory. In website design, color can be incorporated in the following: borders, backgrounds, menus, popups, sidebars, and buttons.

Integrating color into your business is tricky; you have to use the right color in the right way for the right purpose and with the right audience. Although you have to test the colors first to make sure it works, certain principles work almost every time.

  • Bright primary colors are used for a call to action. Bright primary and secondary colors such as red, green, yellow, and orange are known to be the highest-converting colors.
  • Black communicates a sense of value and luxury. With black, the darker it is, the more luxurious it is. Check the site of many high-end brands such as Lamborghini, and you’ll realize that black is the name of the game.
  • Orange can create a sense of excitement and impulse. Orange is no doubt a fun color. It stimulates confidence and physical activity, this is the reason why it is usually used by sites that offer baby products and even sports teams.
  • Green is the color of nature and the outdoor world, that’s why it’s mostly used by sites that have to do with the environment, organic, and outdoors. Aside from the obvious chromatic symbol, green can also suggest creativity.
  • Yellow is usually associated with warnings. Just like how this color is used for traffic and warning signs, it can also be implemented in websites. Since color is related to experience, our mind easily reacts to yellow as a warning. In some cases when paired right, it can any brand to stand out. Hence why fast food chains tend to use red and yellow as base colors.

Many consumers, even you at some point, purchase products based on color. Color, then, is a significant factor that SEO agencies and marketers use to increase conversion rate. If you want to boost your business, check out the services of a top SEO agency in Augusta. Also, give the points above some time, and you’re on your way towards more success!

Mark Jacobs is a marketing-savvy writer contributing for Georgia SEO Explosion a top SEO agency in Augusta, and loves to explore digital marketing pieces. His passion for studying unique and creative ideas in the realm of digital marketing has allowed him to have a unique voice in his pieces.


Mars Cureg

Web designer by profession, photography hobbyist, T-shirt lover, design blog founder, gamer. Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't have a keyboard. Willing to walk to get to the promised land. Photo and video freelancer, SEO.