The Artist’s Mind: How to Develop an Illustration Style

Have you ever wondered how an illustrator or an artist develops their authentic style of creating their work? When you sample different illustrations in any gallery, you can clearly identify something very unique about specific illustrators. This originates from their minds, and it will reveal itself in all their work even if they are doing it for different purposes. For the novice in illustration, there is a way you can create a unique style and establish it in your mind. This will be your artistic identity, and it is what many clients will be coming back for.

Identify Your Talent

There are two groups of artists and illustrators. There are those who are in it because it is a talent, and there are those who have gained the skills because it is a career. If you are among the former, you will have an easy time defining your style of work. In many cases, such people follow their hearts, and the style will be very clear. All that a person will need is to streamline the illustration style in line with the set goals as we are going to see later.

Rely on Mentors

One of the important factors when trying to define your style of work as an illustrator is to have some mentors. Well, this starts at an early age especially for those who are talented in illustration. It is not a must that you meet your mentors face to face or even interact with them in any way. But you can follow them on their websites, social media pages and video channels, thanks to technology. They will teach you things you must know when trying to establish your illustration style.

Set Your Goals

Now, this is where things start to get more interesting. As an illustrator, achievable goals are mandatory. For beginners, some of the goals must be directed towards forming an illustration style. As mentioned above, this has many benefits. It is that authentic aspect that the clients see and admire in your work. Experienced illustrators with a well-established style can attest to anyone that this is very important. Actually, most of them agree that it is a requirement that illustrators must have.

Create a Portfolio

After an illustrator is sure of the style she or he wants to follow, it is time to tell the world what she or he can offer. Creating a portfolio can be achieved through a website or social media pages. Using popular platforms can also inform the world of your work and the style that you are ready to offer them. Take a look at ilustra portfolio to see what different illustrators have already created. This important step is easy because technology has already taken over the world. People no longer hand deliver portfolios at reception desks. Rather, they can email sample illustration work to various target clients.

Memorize Your illustration Style

The artist’s mind is a powerful tool. Over 80 percent of illustration work comes from the mind. First of all, you have to create the art in your mind before you can apply it to the canvas. Now that you have defined an illustration style, you have no option other than to memorize it. But the most important thing is how you recall it and apply the new concept that the client wants. Over time, you will realize that using your illustration style in any work is very easy. There is almost no strain in doing this.

Let Real Life Inspire You

All illustrators are inspired to do their work. Unless the client wants you to illustrate from a specific concept, real life should inspire this. Mostly, these experiences usually complement the style you have already established, and they will help you to master it. Thereafter, applying your style to any work using real-life experiences will be an easy task. You can rest assured that most, if not all, clients will love the illustration work that you do for them.

Apply Your Style.

There is one important thing that every illustrator should remember. This is how to apply their style in any work. Of course, the clients will bring their needs, but they still expect you to include that unique style because it is what attracted them to you in the first place. Sometimes, it is difficult to apply your style in all instances of illustration, but it is possible if you think harder. Most experienced illustrators agree that experience comes with time and that you must try every time. Instead of imitating the idea from the client, you can apply it, which makes the incorporation of your style very easy.


If you look at these insights closely, one thing will come out very clearly; the power to have an illustration style is in the mind of an illustrator. This is why it is one of the most powerful tools that they have. Luckily, everyone can use this to their advantage.

Mars Cureg

Web designer by profession, photography hobbyist, T-shirt lover, design blog founder, gamer. Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't have a keyboard. Willing to walk to get to the promised land. Photo and video freelancer, SEO.