A Beginner’s Guide to Joomla

Joomla is an award-winning, open source content management system (CMS). It allows users to build websites that can be used in a wide variety of ways. Joomla powers everything from some of the smallest...

15 Unique Car Website Designs

A good web designer can make any online endeavor look good but that job is made much easier when the topic at hand offers some coolness in and of itself and, while there are...

HTML5 vs Flash – The Infographic

If you’re considering using one of the online software providers that allow you to create your own website, then chances are that you’re competent at using the internet and computers, but not an out...

5 Best WordPress Plugins

Planning on creating or revamping your site or blog? That’s the right time to think about how to make your site “sticky”. That means, you want your visitors to stay on your site longer,...

How do you Hire a Good Web Designer?

Since the explosion of the Internet over the past 10 years, website design has become a vital part of any business or product. Without a well-designed website, customers will not visit your page and...

The Most Renowned Contemporary Photographers

The problem with photography is that anyone with a camera thinks they can take a great picture; more often than not, any good pictures I take are overshadowed by the 5 terrible previous ones...