Giveaway: 5 Premium Licenses of jQuery SliderShock (UPDATED)

jQuery SliderShock is the most complete jQuery and WordPress slider ever. Some of its fe atures: 31+ effects, 31+ skins, external data sources (Instagram, Flickr, Youtube, RSS, and more), responsive or fixed width (mobile and tablet ready), resizable, several slideshows in same page, several...

10 Best Free Online Courses for Graphic Design

Despite living in the ‘information age’, knowledge seems paradoxically harder to acquire than ever. Ask anyone who’s ever used a search engine: for every relevant result to your query you’re going to get roughly...

ByPeople: The Biggest Bundle for Web Professionals

Shock Family, the team behind amazing projects like IconShock, WP Theme Generator and jQuery Slider, have been working on this promising project and now it is time to start spreading the good news about

7 Awesome Ecommerce Tips for Beginners

With more and more people turning to self-employment, ecommerce has become a booming business. Unfortunately, this isn’t a career you can jump into head-first. Instead, you want to consider a few tips to make...