10 Amazing Creations You Can Make With 3D Printing
If you can print with 2D printing then why not 3D. 3D is already available in the market to gratify your artistic pleasure. There are numerous creations which you can try. Here is a...
If you can print with 2D printing then why not 3D. 3D is already available in the market to gratify your artistic pleasure. There are numerous creations which you can try. Here is a...
Video is a very effective way of promotion. With the advancement of technology now it has become easy to disseminate the promotional videos. For instance people do now not prefer going office anymore and...
Oops, we’re at it again! In collaboration with 123RF.com, we have freebies for all you design-lovin’ enthusiasts out there. This week, we’re giving away 3 sets of 123RF.com’s 30-Day Subscription Plan to 3...
Blurred photos were, are, and could’ve always been a photographer’s worst nightmare….if it weren’t for the latest breakthrough in technology, i.e. Light Field Photography. Whether you’re a… Wildlife Photographer, who spends hours crouching behind...
In the field of photography, the photographers that are interested in night photography should have special skills since it requires in-depth knowledge, understanding and know-how of science. In addition, a night photographer should also...
3D Camera Tracking in Adobe After Effects is a powerful tool that recreates the camera used to film a video clip, giving you the ability to add whatever you want into the scene as...
by Contributor · Published February 18, 2013 · Last modified December 19, 2016
With the evolution and increasing popularity of the internet, websites have become a great source of marketing for businesses and product manufacturers. The designing of the website is termed as web design and it...
Icons are very important for web designer and apps designer, you cannot have a enticing end result without this element. So if you are planning to produce high quality apps, you, for sure rely...
As an experienced website owner, I’ve got thousands of tools available at my fingertips, however there’s one tool which I prefer to all the rest. WordPress. I’m the proud owner of many WordPress sites,...
Joomla is a powerful open source platform (CMS) which gives users a ton of features and extensions for joomla-based websites and blogs. Most of the photo gallery websites or blogs use simple image gallery...
When it comes to designing a website it seems that there are two paths that one can take these days. You can either make a really great looking website that is easy to navigate,...
One of the most recent design trends to go viral has been the art of the 3D pencil drawing. They’re fascinating to look at, and they’re incredible to behold. Some are relatively simple and...