20 Stunning Business Card Designs

A great brand identity can be seen in everything that a brand does – from the product they’ve built, to the website that promotes it all the way down to the business cards for...

Tips For Taking Photos In The Rain

Whether you got caught in the rain or are intentionally shooting in it rain can cause a few challenges not found in dry conditions. You can get great shots in the rain that are...

Freebie: 5 High Resolution Geometric Backgrounds

Flat design is the current trend, whether on web or graphics. Sometimes we might as well add a little style to the design to break the rules and make the design output more pleasing...

35 Premium Valentine Flyer Templates

Season of love is just around the corner and the need for flyer templates can be felt since last week. Party and event organizers have been so busy during these valentine events to design...

10 Things Every Design Student Should Know

If you’re approaching the end (or even the middle) of your university career, you’ve probably been giving a lot of thought to your future — and worrying about it. Design work can be incredibly rewarding,...