You understand how important a website is to any business. Without this, your business won’t be able to thrive especially when you’re trying to reach out to young professionals. Your website can also portray an image to the public. If it’s not updated, customers might think that you don’t take comments from the online world seriously. If it doesn’t have any customer hotline or business address, they might think that doing business with you won’t be convenient. In a nutshell, your website can play a big role in your business’ success over time. Because of these facts, you want to make sure that the website you’re designing is apt to your customers’ needs. You want this to become a platform to earn loyal customers, not as a subject for your business’ ridicule.
Designing the right website for your website is easier said than done. For one, there are many things to consider in the process. And leaning towards one wrong decision can have adverse effects to your business. To ensure that your business can create a strong online presence, take note of these mistakes you should avoid when designing a website:
- Your website lacks a search box: Sure, your website might be a landmine of information but is this what an online user needs? Does this information answer all of their queries? Your website should always be convenient for online users and you can give them that experience when you have a search box. This will allow your online users to search the information they need, the moment they need it. No one would bother spending time on a website when the information they’re looking for isn’t there.
- Your website has a cluttered homepage: Your homepage is the first thing online users can see once they decide to visit your website. And while it can be tempting to bombard them with a lot of information through your homepage, don’t do it. This will only drive your potential customers away. Instead, opt to give your website a more cohesive and clean design. The basic information about your business should be there. Other information about your products and services should be arranged in a category. Because yes, less is more when it comes to website design.
- Frustrating navigation: Everything in your website should be easily navigated by online users. If you’re offering products different for men, women and children, indicate these in your tabs. If your selling shoes, make sure online users can search your products based on size, colors and styles. Your website’s navigation can convince online users to purchase items from you.
- Stale content: Some designers never take the time to put any subheading, bullet points and relevant backlinks in their website content – make sure you’re not one of them. For your website to be placed on top of the search engine results, it should have useful and updated content. All of the contents posted in your website should be accurate to your business offerings; and not just have an article there for the sake of having one.
- Inconsistent interface: This is probably the only time where your creativity should be minimized. Because if not, and you use different themes in each of your web pages, online users will be confused and annoyed. And once they do, they would immediately click the close button – and this is bad news for your business.
- Automatic music in the background: You’re still a customer in some way. And for sure, you’d be surprised (and even scared) once you open a website with music automatically playing in the background. Don’t do this to your own website. Music will only distract your online users from the message you’re trying to convey. Additionally, keep in mind that online users have different preference in music. When they hear something they don’t like, chances are, they’ll immediately leave your page. This is why you should always keep things simple.
Ask Help When Needed
Designing a website for your business can become a challenge especially if you’re doing it for the first time. Neglecting one factor can instantly become the reason why an online user decides to work with a competitor in the industry. Aside from the tips you can get from this article, you can also tap professionals to help you out. Studio 56, for example, can aid in marketing your business better through a well-designed website.
Tristan is a digital marketing specialist and the founder of Studio 56. With years of experience in the digital marketing field and business world, Tristan prides himself on delivering high quality marketing services to clients in the Allied Health sector. S56 specialises in partnering with Allied Health practices to boost their overall ROI. He has a loving family and enjoys traveling in his free time.