Ideas for Making Innovative and Unique Logo Designs

Logos have become an important aspect of brand marketing these days. Unless your company has an eye-catching logo, it is very difficult to attract people’s attention towards your brand. Properly designed logos can also give a brief idea regarding the vision of your company to your potential customers. As more and more companies in the market are now having logos creating a clutter, it is becoming a challenge to develop fresh and unique looking logos. Below are some of the the ideas to develop innovative and unique logos:

Visual Text

Using visual text is an old but a very unique way of creating good looking logos. When using visual text logos, the text should be shaped in such a way that it takes the form of a visual image. These types of logos are suitable if you want them to resemble your products and the vision of your company.


Viso-lateral logos is a new and unique logo design technique which involves depicting the name of your company or your main product in an unusual visual manner. The main advantage with viso-lateral logos is that they are mostly self-explanatory and at the same time look very attractive.


Colors play a key role in the designing of a logo and give a distinctive edge them to them in the market place. Using more than one color in the logo can enhance the impact they have on the minds of the viewers. Multiple colored logos can be more attractive to some customer segments like youth and children. Companies which make products that are targeted at these customer segments can gain from multi-colored logos.

Utilize Negative Image Space Properly

Some of the images that are used in your logos will sometimes have negative space in them. For E.g. the image of a dog or cat in your logo can have some negative space between its legs. Utilizing this negative space to create another image will result in a creatively crafted logo design. This image from negative space will attract the attention of viewers and stay in their minds for a longtime.

Add Personal Touch

Add some personal touch to your logos if it is possible. You can do this by adding your signature or photograph next to the main logo. These kinds of logos are useful for professional firms and companies in the service sectors whose products are mostly intangible. The personal touch will help in enhancing the credibility of the companies in the minds of viewers.

Use Smart Animation

Using smart animation in logos is a new trend in logo design globally. Wisely used animation can enhance the impact that a logo will have on its viewers. You can also use your products and services in the form of an animation. Animations are also very cheap and don’t need high level of expertise to develop. But, these kinds of logos are generally useful for companies involved in manufacturing fancy products and services.

Designing proper logos need lot of innovation, research, and creativity. The above techniques can help you in designing logos which have a good chance of standing out from the crowd.

About The Author: Alia is a writer blogger. He contributes to Marnie Bennett. Check Here for more on Marnie Bennett

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