How to get inspired this spring

Getting inspiration can be difficult at the start of a new year. It’s gotten to the point that people have given up their new year’s resolutions and have fallen back into the pattern of last year, which, let’s face it, we all promised ourselves we absolutely wouldn’t do this time around. So getting inspiration at this point can be tough. But it doesn’t have to be.

Inspiration can come from many sources, and some of them can be quite unexpected – it can be a case of just getting out in the world and seeing whatever fires your imagination. There are many things you can do that will leave you energized and inspired. In the list below, some things will inspire you to get started today, and others that will make you want to plan for a much bigger project or lifestyle change.

#1 Redecorate your home to give it a fresh boost

Redecorating your home can be just what you need to make your home feel fresh and different. Paint a wall to become a feature wall, put down a rug in your living room to highlight areas of interest, create a whole new feel to your bedroom by changing the frame of your bed or trying out some new bedding to make it look just fabulous. This can give you little bits of inspiration just by waking up in the morning, making you feel more refreshed and ready for the day.

#2 Switch up your wardrobe to be perfect for you

Sell your unwanted clothes or trade them in for new ones on sites such as Depop and Vinted. These can help you earn a little bit of money and help you get your style perfect without the need to put too much effort in. Having clothes to suit your mood and hobbies can be just what you need to get the world looking right for you. You might find a whole new style that you feel suits you perfectly, so you can feel presentable and your best every day.

#3 Discover a love for a sport to unwind

Watching a relaxing sport, such as Pétanque or tennis, can have a great impact on your thoughts. It can be a calming thing to have on in the background or something to get more invested in. Watch tennis online or on the courts, so you can fully immerse yourself in something energizing and inspiring. It can have a great effect on your mental welfare and give you some knowledge on the subject too.

#4 Meditate

Meditating can be a great way to find peace of mind and help you find inspiration in the things around you. It is excellent to help aid you in sleep and relaxation, and it can be easy and fun to do, as well as energizing. It can give you that extra boost of energy to find inspiration in the littlest of things.

If you are seeking out ways to feel more inspired, give one of the above options a try and see how it can make a difference in your life.


Mars Cureg

Web designer by profession, photography hobbyist, T-shirt lover, design blog founder, gamer. Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't have a keyboard. Willing to walk to get to the promised land. Photo and video freelancer, SEO.