Elena Savitska is a Graphic and Web Designer, based in London. All her life had a passion about design, psychology and marketing. She come from a Marketing Management background and when it comes to Graphic Design she have her own definitions of goals that designers need to achieve. In her opinion, it’s not all about “pretty graphics”. When pictures got printed on product packaging for the first time, the idea behind it was very simple: boost sales. And that’s the goal in a clever approach to Graphic Design. Pure “eye candy” won’t work anymore. It has to have a marketing strategy behind it, be memorable, be well-researched. She think that combining these principles with the “eye candy” achieves the right result for my clients and her.
Visit her website to know more about her and her work of art.
Contest Update: Stats from July 15 to July 24 as of 4:00PM local time.
And to all, I am working on my LINKS page, if you want to be included just submit your 100 x 100 avatar and your blog links to my email.