Creative Tributes To The Creative Genius, Steve Jobs

People worldwide are honoring one of the most creative minds of our generation. Yes, of course I’m referring to Steve Jobs. The genius who had the drive to bring us the iPod, revolutionized cell phones with the iPhone, and made us realize how easy life can be if we just had an iPad. Even grandmothers and people hesitant to embrace technology find his products so amazingly user friendly.  His reach has affected so many in a variety of ways. Thus it’s no surprise we’re seeing tons of tributes to such an amazing man. We’ve all seen tributes before, but with the loss of a passionate and inventive individual comes symbolic memorials and displays to honor a technology hero.    Here are some of the best so far.

Leslie Handmaker has a passion for online marketing and anything to do with entrepreneurship. She conducts link building campaigns perfect work for businesses of all size. In her spare time, she enjoys reading a suspenseful novel, playing card games, and anything that involves spending time with family and friends.

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