Category: Web Design

8 Flower-Inspired Web Designs

Given as a token of affection on Valentine’s Day, offered as a form of sympathy for those in mourning, and generally turning the landscape around us into a natural work of art, flowers are...

Top Web Apps for Web Designers

Whether you are a freelance web designer, or have a position with a company, having some help never hurt. There are tons of apps on the web that can help web designers learn new...

5 Overdone Design Trends

In the field of graphic design, we are hired to create fresh content for the web.  Sometimes it feels like the cyber world makes it easy for anyone to be a web designer with...

7 Awesome Ecommerce Tips for Beginners

With more and more people turning to self-employment, ecommerce has become a booming business. Unfortunately, this isn’t a career you can jump into head-first. Instead, you want to consider a few tips to make...

7 Sushi Website Designs for Inspiration

I have always had a weird fascination with restaurant websites and advertisements (Don’t judge me!). You can clearly see the differences between major chains and small establishments, with the first trying to be trendy...

The 7 Secrets to a Better Website

If you are planning to put up your own website for your business, person reasons or potentially something else, you probably know the importance of having a great website. Well, if you want to have...