The Top Photography Apps for 2012
4 pieces of technology that turn your smart phone into a darkroom, editing booth, and studio Would you believe me if I told you that the most popular camera in the world wasn’t a...
4 pieces of technology that turn your smart phone into a darkroom, editing booth, and studio Would you believe me if I told you that the most popular camera in the world wasn’t a...
With today’s modern digital cameras, taking good photos when there is plenty of available light requires little more than setting the camera to automatic mode and firing away. However, taking great pictures at night...
Bokeh refers to the look and feel of out-of-focus areas in a photograph. Done correctly, a bokeh serves as an outstanding background enhancement for a foreground subject. A bokeh can even be the subject...
Cathedrals have been known to create awe in their observers. Their incredibly artistic and intricate architecture makes one have to stop and admire the pain-staking process that had to take place to create such...
At its best, photography captures the imagination of the viewer and engages the viewer in thought. This is difficult to accomplish even for gifted photographers. One of the best ways to engage viewers is...
Lomography is an adaptation of the word photography that was originally inspired by users of the Lomo LC-A. The first Lomo was a simple fixed lens 35mm Russian produced camera that was discontinued in...
Lonely, stress, heart broken or just relaxing over your rooftop drinking beer and the only companion is the moon. The moon is the only thing you look and talk to when you have this...
Be it a Portrait, Landscape, Wedding or Table-Top assignment, light is an essential element for all kinds of photography. One cannot make a photograph without light. To be literal, a photograph is just a...
One of the most challenging and exciting forms of photography is shooting in the dark. Night photography is a tricky process but can be very rewarding with the right tools and skills. As the...
It’s true! Great photos can be taken with cell phones. However, as with any camera, a cell phone camera is a tool that you must learn to use correctly. Once mastered, a cell phone...
Street photography is one of the most exciting and interesting forms of photography as you have no control over the environment or the outcome. It is important to note that although it produces interesting...
Articles / Photography / Web Design
by Contributor · Published November 20, 2011 · Last modified February 2, 2016
There is nothing more beautiful in a creative design that imagery inspired by nature. Whether it is the treeline of a forest, the sun glinting off a stream or a hedge of flowers, it...