5 Ways to Make Your Business Card Stand Out
With the onslaught of daily technological speed, using a business card may be considered an antiquated idea. Business cards are often associated with traveling salesmen or a fast talking business person that automatically produces their miniature billboard like a gun from a holster. However, interestingly, business cards have survived our digital world offering some unique things you can do with one to catch the eye of potential clients. Plus, in some cases, there is no longer the need to hire a printer as designing such unique business cards online is fast and easy.

The conventional business card size has been thrown to the wayside as many different, creative dimension options can now be chosen. Some ideas for a different shape could be oval, square, thick, thin, long, or die cut in the shape of your business (i.e. if you are a furniture designer have your business card cut into the shape of a couch or chair; if you are a dentist have a bite taken out of the card).

A distinctive texture is always an eyebrow raiser as it immediately gets a kinetic reaction. Some available business card textures include: raised lettering, metal, plastic (transparent is really fun), rubber (it actually stretches, great for a personal trainer), metallic, leather, cork, cardboard, fabric, wood and wax stamped.

Previously mentioned above, using a business card to correlate with the theme of your business can create buzz and memory of your company which can, in turn, generate clientele. Some examples of interesting theme based card ideas include:
- Florist / Lawn Service – A tiny envelope business card holding grass or flower seed.
- Spoof-a-Logo – Use a well-known logo and modify it to the name of your business.
- Dog Tags – These are great for kennel or pet store owners.
- Retro – Make your business card look like an old time advertisement.
- Ticket – Create a mock bus, plane or train ticket business card.
People like to play and interactive business cards are no exception. Create odd and playful cards for your potential client to fiddle with as well as show to others. This can be a pop out and fold into something like a paper car; scratch off info, just like a lottery card; liquid filled plastic card; or have a metallic surrounded hole punched in the corner of your card for easy key chain attachment.
There are still technophiles that insist on keeping it digital. If you are one, try printing your info on a flash stick with a demonstration, webpage or more info loaded onto it. There are also mini CD’s and DVD’s you can hand out that are easily popped into a computer.
Whichever design you choose will be your calling card. Make it unique and full of personality to be able to tattoo itself to its mark. Have those you hand it to walk away with a business card that reeks of the ‘wow’ factor.
Above all, it is also important to consider business card printing company or services that has high credibility and accomplish the perfect action for your needs.
Matt Tomasino is a professional freelancer who knows how important it is to make a lasting impression in the business world. He enjoys writing about marketing, health care careers like phlebotomy and nursing, and finance.