5 Tips for the best images of a Wedding

Wedding photographs are one of the things that can’t be missed on the day of a wedding celebration. Making the report of the ceremony has a great reward: unique images that will remain forever in the albums and the memory of all those who attended the ceremony. That’s why we bring you some tips for wedding photography.

Wedding photography

So if you have been asked to help in the realization of these photos and do not know where to start, these tips will help you make the best wedding photographs. By following the five tips below then you can minimize the errors that may occur. You may not be sure you will not make any mistakes, but at least you can minimize them.

Be creative. Do not force photographs with postures, they have to be natural. Do it to the bride as she gets ready, looks out the window, smiles at her mother, or gives her father’s last hug at the church door. You will only have a single opportunity to capture those moments. Do not force the bride and groom to make filigree to have original images. Originality is in the small issues of the day of the wedding.

If you carry a wide angle (10-20mm) and a “normal” lens (50-80mm) you will have virtually all situations under control. It is convenient to work in RAW format, so you will have the opportunity to correct if the adjustments were not correct. They are two fairly simple objectives to achieve. If for any question you do not have them, you can always rent them. The key to wedding photography is to be creative and natural in the images! Many amateur photographers thought they could engineer an event in order to produce great photographs. This is wrong because false expressions can’t be covered even when they have been printed in a photo album. Expressions-as well as original situations and free from engineering are what become reminders of a moment.

Do not forget the flash. If you take pictures indoors you can bounce it against the ceiling, to do this place the camera in manual mode and select a starting value of f / 8 and 1 / 90s, from there adjust its partial power to achieve the result you need. A flash with TTL mode is essential in the Church and outdoors. You may need to incorporate a diffuser to your flash in order to soften the light and make it friendlier. A fill flash on the outside can help you eliminate unwanted shadows. Shadows often become a marker whether a photographer is experienced or not.

Be careful with the white balance. If you get an incorrect use of it you will not get enough highlight the details of the dress of the bride. This is a fundamental aspect when taking photographs of the bride. If you have never tried these types of aspects, we recommend that you do it a few days before taking your first practice.

Finally, and as a continuation of the previous point; Perform previous exercises with your camera, rehearsing those complicated moments that may appear on the day of the wedding. All photographers have a scene or a type of lighting that always gives us problems. Rehearse days before and do not leave until the end.

To better understand other techniques in wedding photography you need to be diligent in reading various related books. You can find lots of info about photography in college books about photography and based on our experience, one of the best sources for getting books online is by accessing booksrun.com.

Mars Cureg: Web designer by profession, photography hobbyist, T-shirt lover, design blog founder, gamer. Socially and physically awkward, lack of social skills, struggles to communicate with anyone who doesn't have a keyboard. Willing to walk to get to the promised land. Photo and video freelancer, SEO.
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