20 Examples of Inspiring jQuery Maps Plugins
More people these days are using jQuery maps on their website and each year more jQuery maps are being introduced, adding more to your hundreds or thousands of choices. If you are one of those website owners who are getting more dilemma on which jQuery maps would be best to use for your site, we are here to help you narrow your choices down to the top 20 inspiring jQuery maps plugins to use for your website.
- Point of Interest (POI)
The combination of Google maps and APIs will help you provide a more interactive point of interest to the map that you will display on your website. This jQuery plugin provides a language, region, and directional selections with an enhanced interface for a better map navigation experience to your visitors.
- GmapsThis jQuery map is a great choice for website owners who don’t want to labor the pain of handling shortcodes when designing their website map. This plugin is simple to use without the need of too much of using shortcodes documentations.
- Gmap3This plugin further unleashes the powerful features of jQuery in managing your website Google map. While it is simple to use the plugin, it allows its users to exercise an advanced management system and in manipulating the marker and objects with better ease and convenience.
- CSS and jQuery Cliackable MapThis plugin provides for a clickable map without the need of using flash on the web browser. It uses CSS sprites without the requirement of using another external plugin to make it work. The map is clickable even when your visitors are using a mobile web browser.
- jHereThis plugin makes the use of an API less complicated. Its users easily add maps that would be interactive for your website visitors. The markers are highly customizable and it also has the feature of supporting data visualization through heat maps.
- jQuery Map MarkerIf you want to have more power in creating your maps where you can create multiple markers, then this is a plugin that would be best for you. Using the Google Map API V3, the plugin allows its users to customize the map by adding some markers that would help in keeping the list of data that they want to view on the map.
- CraftmapThis plugin is most suited for website owners who has a higher preference on using lightweight plugins on their site. They can easily configure the plugin that will make the map become highly functional by making a more dynamically active elements that are more interactive for your visitors. You can also optimize the map by adding marker icons and information about certain locations that are displayed on the map.
- KartographThis plugin provides an interactive map app to use on your website that is independent of Google maps and other mapping services to make it work. The application is lightweight and it serves duo functions. The first is to allow the user to create their own interactive maps while the second allows them to generate SVG maps in compact designs.
- RaphaelThis plugin allows you to create your own vector map on your website so easily. It comes with a Javascript library that helps the user in creating a better looking vector map graphic design more easily with the ability to create your own chart and cropping the images seamlessly.
- Interactive SVG MapThis plugin works interactively without the need of a flash. It is friendly to mobile browsers, lightweight to use on your website and the best part is it is a highly customizable tool in creating your website map. It works well in cross browsers and you can use markers anywhere on the map. It also has a GeoIP location that allows your visitors to view their location directly from the map.
- JVectorMapThis plugin offers an intuitive means of displaying maps on your website. It supports activities like hovering, labeling and clicking on your maps using documented API. This makes the map interactive for your visitors. The map does not require Flash to be able to use them as they are Java script based which makes the map work well and more efficiently even on mobile browsers.
- jQuery GeoIf you rely heavily on using Java Script APIs when creating maps for your website, this plugin is a good option. It is an open source that allows you to choose customizable ways of using the map on your website such as simply displaying the map quickly on your web page or make it more useful for the GIS user.
- Interactive Maps GeneratorThis plugin allows its users to create as many maps that they want. The plugin then generates a code which they can easily embed on various websites. Display the maps to your website easily by pasting the Java Script codes generated by the plugin. These maps are also clickable and interactive for your visitors.
- PolymapsIf you aim of displaying interactive maps on your website, this plugin offers a library of Java Scripts to work on in order to create great looking maps for your website visitors. The plugin is optimized for creating tiled and image maps with the use of SVG. Your visitors will enjoy navigating through the map in multi-zoom viewing.
- US MapIf you are managing a website that caters specifically to US based customers, you can create the United States map for them using this plugin. Allow your visitors to view US states and US based locations by creating custom heat maps. You can easily customize the map and label or mark them by state.
- Subway Map VisualizationDo you want to awe your website visitors with beautifully designed and highly interactive subway maps? This plugin is specially created for those who want to create subway maps with interactive features with quality visualization effects using HTML markup. You can customize the lines, widths and color of your subway map.
- jQuery Zoomable MapThis zoomable map allows you to present different locations that are represented in bullets. You can provide more information about the specific location on your map by simply clicking on each bullet. Your visitors could view each sub-region on the map location by zooming on them.
- Google Maps jQueryAdd Google maps as simple as a few clicks on your web page using this jQuery plugin. Using the Java Script API for Google Maps, you can quickly integrate the Google map to your website. While you can directly use the API from Google map itself, the plugin makes the process easier and more simplified. A very useful application if you are fond of using Google maps on your website.
- JQuery GPSIf you like to use Google map but don’t want your website to be overloaded with unnecessary features for your website from the application, this plugin can help you filter the features that will be shown and used on your website. Using this plugin is lightweight and easily loads the map for your visitor’s viewing. You can also add information on the map addresses using a custom Id.
- BMapIf you really like to place a lot of markers to your map, this plugin could address your desires. The plugin is especially designed to manage numerous markings on a map and in creating your own customizable icon markers. You can also use the powerful API system on the Google map and allows you to manage your sidebars either on your marker list or layers.
The guest post is done by Stacy Carter, a technology and seo writer and blogger. She covers tech and seo news on many websites. She runs her own website: Android Spy where you can find out much useful info how to use spy software for your mobile device.