17 Glitzy Website Shaped using WIX
So you want to have your own flash website? But the question is, you don’t have the ability or skill to do it on your own.
You start swarming the internet to find a freelancer, but the with your decision, it will just costs you a huge amount of money. Why not find a free website builder?
Try WIX.
Wix.com is a free Flash website builder that enables anyone to create a Flash website without the need to program or code. The Wix website builder is a simple and ideal solution for artists, photographers, musicians, small businesses, non-profit organizations, and anyone interested in a personal website with which to promote their products, services, cause or ideas. An intuitive drag and drop interface makes it easy and enjoyable to customize the design of Wix’s free Flash templates.
Wix.com is a free Flash website builder that enables anyone to create a Flash website without the need to program
or code. The Wix website builder is a simple and ideal solution for artists, photographers, musicians, small
businesses, non-profit organizations, and anyone interested in a personal website with which to promote their
products, services, cause or ideas. An intuitive drag and drop interface makes it easy and enjoyable to customize
the design of Wix’s free Flash templates.
WIX is new to me. Some nice looking websites seem to have been created, will have to check it out. Thanks for sharing!
I like the writing theme of your web site and it does a pretty nice job of presenting the info.
Terrific! I like the website themes..I would like my website to look like this, I’ll gonna try checking wix.. keep posting!